Horse proprioception

Proprioception du cheval

Proprioception is the deep sensitivity of the nervous system allowing the transmission of information to the brain on the regulation of posture and body movements. All information comes from receptors called proprioceptors which are sensitive to stretch or pressure. They are located in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin. The entire proprioceptive system thus intervenes constantly to regulate balance. The more it is stimulated, the more we prevent the appearance of injuries and improve locomotion. It should therefore not be neglected whether it is for a young horse who is learning to know his body and its balance while growing or at the start of work, an athletic horse for its performance and avoiding injuries or an older horse for its balance and balance. overall maintenance of flexibility, reflexes and strength. Alternating between different types of ground as well as hilly terrain outside of technical work, massages and stretching are very good assets for daily proprioceptive work.

Sharone Villaret Animal Osteopathy

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